Monday 18 July 2016

Favourite previous student video

Youth by Hurtwood house school, is my favourite previous student video because I think the performances are amazing. The song also matches the visuals well as the acting is emotional relating to the lyrics of the song. The lip syncing is really good and so are the props and locations used.

Friday 15 July 2016

Summer homework

What qualities are needed in a good music video production?
Good organisation skills and team work are essential when making a music video, to ensure that the group reaches their full potential and makes the best video they can. Creative ideas are needed when making a good music video production so that the audience are interested and not bored. Also repeated locations that are rare, good mise en scene and lip syncing. Good choreography will make a music video production good as well as quick cuts and multiple shots.
What are some specific areas that you need to look out for?
I need to make sure that the group I am in has the same work ethic that I have, and wants to get the best grade possible. It is also important that I stay on top of the work given, also I need to improve my editing and camera skills so I am more useful to my group.Lip syncing and choreography needs to be focused on as it is a vital part of the production.
How will this year's music video experience differ from your film opening?

I gained a lot of knowledge that I will use them completing my music video coursework this year. I should make sure I meet the deadlines and use my time better than I did last year. This year I am going to make sure I'm in a group were everyone wants to get the best possibly grade so I can achieve the grade I want.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Pre-lim task

Today in class we got set the task of planning, filming and producing our first prelim task. This task involves choosing a music video and recreating it as closely as we can get it to the original music video. I got put into a group with my classmates Kelsey, Megan, Alex and Spencer.

We decided to recreate the music video 'One Call Away'. This is due to how we can only film our music video within class, meaning it would need to be shot in school, and we believe we could recreate that music video in school.

Prop List:
  • Music Stands
  • Guitar
  • Chairs
  • Piano
  • Headphones
  • Piano chair
  • Window'd background
  • School bag
  • Books/Folders

Character List and costumes:
  • Male: White t-shirt, blue jeans and green jacket.
  • Female: Pink, grey and blue top and jeans.


Shot list:

Shooting schedule:

Shot Timeline:


Production diary:

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Final Music video:


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Reflection-The storyboard was really helpful for me and my group so we knew exactly what had to do and when. The shot timeline was also very beneficial for my group as it made sure we was aware how many seconds of which shot we needed as this is vital in a music video.This kept us on track and ensured we met all of the deadlines and completed the task to the best of our ability. If I did the task again I would have picked a more difficult video to try and replicate to create more of a challenge for myself and the group as this was relatively simple to make.