Friday 24 June 2016

Representation of music videos

Voyeurism is when erotic pleasure can be gained by looking at a sexual object. An example of this would be the music video for 'Drunk in love' by Beyoncé because Beyoncé is frequently shown in a provocative manner which would attract and pleasure the audience watching. They could also see her as a sexual object due to have behaviour.

Male Gaze
Laura Mulvey proposed that filmmakers predominately use women to display a music video rather than the narrative of the song. An example of this would be 'Work' by Rihanna as the girls shown in the video are wearing small amounts of clothing and we see various men enjoying themselves in the company of the seductive behaving women. This supports the male gaze theory.

Exhibition is when female performers are behaving in a sexually provocative way and are apparently in control of and inviting a sexualised gaze. An example of this would be 'Adore you' by Miley Cyrus because Miley is frequently looking at the camera in a provocative way and inviting the sexualised gaze because of her lack of clothing and body movements.

Ranch Culture- This means that women are encouraged to see themselves as sex objects. A good example of this would be 'Work from home' by Fifth Harmony because they are using the lyrics in the song to present the same behaviour. Which is encouraged to attract a larger audience.

1 comment:

  1. Good application of knowledge Maisie - keep this in mind as your research continues.
