Friday 30 September 2016

Lyric meaning

Below are the lyrics to 'Hypnotic':

Reflection- From this task I have learnt that it is vital to know the meaning behind a song when creating a music video for it as the audience will be listening to the lyrics. So if what is happening in the music video is irrelevant to what the lyrics are saying, then it would be questionable what the relevance if the music video actually is.
My group and I will use these ideas to create an atmosphere in our video that matches the lyrics. For example, in the first verse the artist clearly wants male attention so we will shoe her in vulnerable light and feeling lonely. As the song continues our artist loses herself and this is when their will be various shots of her going insane and her not being in control of her actions. We will portray these feelings in our video as much as possible.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Digipak Inspiration

Before producing a digipak, we are looking at current artists digipak's for inspiration and to see what the main similarity is between them for them to be successful.

Ellie Goulding - Lights:

Looking at Ellie Goulding Lights digipak, you see the main theme is fairy lights. This theme will be similar to our digipak as we can feature pictures from Ripley's museum which will be colourful and full of light. Ellie Gouldings digipak has a simplistic font which does not distract the viewer from her artist image on the front of the cover. We will also be using a simplistic font like this for the same affect and so the font does not clash with the background picture on the digipak. Our font will also be a simplistic colour - if we are going to be using a colourful background so there will be a contrast.
A difference between our CD and Ellie Gouldings, is ours will be colourful and incorporate the colours which are used on the outside of the CD cover - whereas Ellie Gouldings CD is black.
We would also do what Ellie Goulding has done on her digipak, where she has put her name bolder/bigger than the album title, this is due to how our performer is releasing her first track and won't be well known yet.

Rihanna - Loud:
A similarity between how we want our digipak to look and Rihanna's is how we both incorporate nature. If we were to include pictures from Tropical Wings, we would have nature on the cover just like how Rihanna has roses on hers. If we were to use our Tropical Wings pictures, we would also have a colourful digipak like Rihanna's through the use of our performers colourful makeup and hair props (fake butterflies).

Lana Del Ray- Born to die:

From looking at Lana Del Ray's Digipak of the Born to die album we confirmed that we want our digipak to be similar to this one in the use of the colour red as being a main theme. We are going to include images from the mirror maze and Ripley's museum which incorporates the red colour theme. Also photos from tropical wings will be included to emphasise the nature side our video.
 Nick Jonas- Chains:

Looking at Nick Jonas' digipak, you see the main theme is the colour black and Nick Jonas himself. This theme is not what we are looking for in our digipak, we want our digipak to be more colourful with bright colours such as red. Nick Jonas' digipak has a simplistic style to it because of the black and white theme and font used. A similarity between this digipak and our idea for our digipak is that we also will be using a simple font to make it clear to the audience what the songs are predominately about. But we will be having a more complex background to it compared to this digipak.


A similarity between how we want our digipak to look and Adele's is how we will incorporate the artist as the main focus. If we were to include pictures from Tropical Wings, we would have nature on the cover with the artist in front. This is contrasting to Adele's more simplistic digipak, ours is going to be more creative.  If we were to use our mirror maze pictures from Ripley's we would incorporate the colours black and red which is similar to this album cover, the pictures from mirror maze will include our main theme colour of red.

Katy Perry- Teenage dream:

Looking at Kate Perry' digipak, you see the main theme is candyfloss looking clouds and candy, this is a very creative digipak aimed at children more than teenagers. Where as our digipak will be predominately aimed at teenagers however we wan ours to be as creative as this just a bit more grown up. We are considering incorporating 4 or 5 different colours in our digipak to draw attention to ti and keep it bright. Our main colour we are going to use is red, whereas in this digipak the main colour is pink.

Little Mix- Get weird

From looking at Little Mix' Digipak of the Get Weird album we confirmed that we want our digipak to be similar to this one in the use of multiple colours and the artists being the main focus.We are going to include images from Ripley's museum which incorporates the colour theme. Also photos from tropical wings will be included to emphasise the nature side our video.

Christina Aguilera' - Bi-on-ic:

Looking at Christina Aguilera' Bi-on-ic digipak, you can see that their are many themes that are used. Such as explicit images of her on the CD, close ups of her face with white, black and pink/red being common colours used. The digipak is very creative due to the colourful masks used to cover half of Christina's face. The back is plain black with write writing which brings more attention to the CD and the front cover. A similarity between this digipak and how we want ours to look is that we want the main colour to be predominately red with other colours used to make it more creative for viewers.

Miley Cyrus - 'Bangerz':

From looking at Miley's Digipak of her Bangerz album we confirmed that we like the colours used and the tree background representing nature. This is wh6y we decided to film at tropical wings to show variety and contrast throughout our media work, including the music video and digipak. We are going to incorporate images from Ripley's museum as well as this will show versatility in our digipak.

Eminem- 'Recovery':

From looking at Eminem's digipak for his Recovery album we noticed the building and outside film of his front and back covers. The front cover is very clever as you can see there is a overlay of Eminem in front of the building on the ground. The overlay image is shown in the back cover with all the songs featured in the album. The CD itself seems to be like the logo for the album as it is shown on the front cover in the word 'recovery'. In comparison to how we want our digipak to look, we want ours to be at a inside location focusing on Stellato herself.

From researching all of these artists digipak's we are now certain of what we want our digipak to look like and have decided the logo for our album which will be the main theme on all of our merchandise. Looking at all the different digipak's of different genres showed us all the other styles you can use to promote your song and helped to decide how we wanted to do this and what effect we wanted to create on our audience. It has also given us a sense of what a successful digipak looks like, for example how they have a theme throughout the album cover and the CD. It has also shown us how using simplistic font with a eye-catching background is better than using an eye-catching font and an average background. Furthermore it helped us to decide what images we wanted to include in the digipak.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Group avaliability and Timetables

Clare's timetables:

My timetables:

Kelsey's timetables:

From looking and analysing our timetables it shows, as a group, our availability is as follows -

Week A:

  • Monday Period 5 and after school
  • Tuesday Period 5
  • Wednesday Period 3
  • Thursday Period 1 and 3
  • Friday Period 4
Week B:
  • Monday Period 5 and after school
  • Tuesday Period 5
  • Thursday Period 1 and 3
  • Friday Period 4

Props and Location list

  • Fake butterflies for hair accessories
  • Fake flowers for hair accessories
  • Nature
  • Makeup - glitter
  • Tripod
  • Camera
  • Flower crown


Tropical wings:

Ripleys 'Believe it or not!' museum
We have chosen this as a location to film our music video as we believe the mirror maze and black hole go with the theme of her not being in control and her going crazy in one of the verses. This is due to how when we film the performer in the mirror maze, she will be looking at herself from all angles (obsessively watching over herself). When we film the performer in the black hole, the mixture of lights will symbolise the artists mind as the artist is going crazy. This location is completely different to our other location Tropical Wings which shows contrast in our music video. It also shows our ability to adapt to different settings.

Hyde Park
We have chosen to film in Hyde Park as when the performer is losing control - we want to show the contrast between her and ordinary people.

 Below is an image we took outside Ripley's 'Believe it or Not' museum.

Below is an image from outside of the Black Hole, we took multiple photos within the museum to possibly use for our Digipak.


This is a panorama of Hyde Park and another image of Clare filming Maisie at Hyde Park.


These are images from the mirror maze in Ripley's.

Website Research

We first looked at Ellie Goulding's website which is shown below:

We liked that there was a strong pastel colour theme running throughout with the text in gold. I liked that Ellie included a gallery of her album covers and also photos from red carpets. We think this is a nice touch to add to our website as well so that it is more realistic. Ellie also has a merchandise section that promotes all of her clothing for her tour so we will need to incorporate this into our website too. 

We also looked at Zara Larsson's website as well:

We noticed whilst looking at artist's website that their name is the main focus. We want to create a strong name that will stand out from others and be a stand out feature on the website. We also want to take beautiful photos that are separate from the music video to show that our artist is legit and include these on the front page so that they are the name and face is the first thing you see on the website.

Ariana Grande's website: 

On all of the websites we noticed that they have links to all their social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. This made us want to create social media accounts for our artist so that they can interact with their fan base and promote their brand new single as well as the music video. We like this extra touch to the website as again it makes it seem more professional and real. Finally, we noticed that the websites have their tour dates listed and sends you to a link to where you can book tickets for this. 

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Shooting schedule

We will be visiting Hyde Park and Ripley's museum on the 3rd of October to plan our music video. After we have visited Ripley's and Hyde Park we will decide what we want to be filmed in the locations as part of our music video. We will also be filming at tropical wings on the 16th of October.

Monday 3rd October
Mirror maze, black hole and Hyde Park
Ripleys ‘Believe it or not’ museum =
Shots inside the mirror maze and black hole.
Hyde Park =
Shots of performance and lip syncing in a pretty location.
Ripley’s ‘Believe it or not’ museum and Hyde Park
-Flower crown
-Fake flowers
Sunday 16thOctober
Nature/wildlife park
Interior and Exterior
Shots inside the butterfly house and other pretty locations around Tropical Wings.
Tropical Wings
Tursday, 18thOctober
Dance Studio
Shots in front of a plain white wall in front of a fan.
Dance Studio
-Hair rings

Risk Assessment

At the locations listed below we will be taking a variety of photos to help us plan our music video we will also be filming parts of our music video in these locations. 

Location- Tropical Wings
Risk level
Control measures
 Falling over.
We will be sensible about where we are walking and how we are walking.
Getting bitten by an animal.
Following the instructions of the zoo to give us the best chance of not getting bitten or harmed in any way.

Location- Hyde Park
Risk level
Control measures
Falling over.
We will be sensible about where we are walking and how we are walking.

Location- Ripley’s museum (London)
Risk level
Control measures
Falling over in the facilities.
We will be sensible about where we are walking and how we are walking.
People stealing our camera equipment.
We will be watching our equipment closely to make sure none of it gets stolen or broken by other people at the museum.