Friday 30 September 2016

Lyric meaning

Below are the lyrics to 'Hypnotic':

Reflection- From this task I have learnt that it is vital to know the meaning behind a song when creating a music video for it as the audience will be listening to the lyrics. So if what is happening in the music video is irrelevant to what the lyrics are saying, then it would be questionable what the relevance if the music video actually is.
My group and I will use these ideas to create an atmosphere in our video that matches the lyrics. For example, in the first verse the artist clearly wants male attention so we will shoe her in vulnerable light and feeling lonely. As the song continues our artist loses herself and this is when their will be various shots of her going insane and her not being in control of her actions. We will portray these feelings in our video as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Important analysis here - how will you use these ideas?
