Friday 20 January 2017

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


 Below are gifs which show key synergy points in our music video:

Glow sticks and UV wall (Light): Glow sticks have been used in our music video as light is a big part of synergy within our music video, digipak and website. This synergy came around after a main location in our music video was Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' mirror maze which has a main feature of the red lights. From red lights being in our main location in the music video - this means that lights ended up being a main synergy point within our music video, digipak and website. This meant that glow sticks were a good prop to use in the drama studio as it was a good source of light - which was a big synergy point. Also in this gif features the location of Ripleys with the UV wall - the UV wall compliments our theme of light as it lit up and vivid.

Bridge and Ripleys location (Light, red and bridge): Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' location has created a big part of synergy in our music video due to the red lights which are in the mirror maze. From red lights being in our main location in the music video - this means that lights ended up being a main synergy point within our music video, digipak and website. Additionally, the lights were red, meaning red was a good synergy point - meaning we could use a red colour scheme for our digipak and website.

Glow sticks (Light): Glow sticks have been used in our music video as light is a big part of synergy within our music video, digipak and website. This synergy came around after a main location in our music video was Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' mirror maze which has a main feature of the red lights. From red lights being in our main location in the music video - this means that lights ended up being a main synergy point within our music video, digipak and website. This meant that glow sticks were a good prop to use in the drama studio as it was a good source of light - which was a big synergy point.

Lip syncing in Ripleys (Light and red): Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' location has created a big part of synergy in our music video due to the red lights which are in the mirror maze. From red lights being in our main location in the music video - this means that lights ended up being a main synergy point within our music video, digipak and website. Additionally, the lights were red, meaning red was a good synergy point - meaning we could use a red colour scheme for our digipak and website.

Face pace in black hole (Pace): Pace was a synergy point in our music video due to us wanting a hypnotic vibe and crazy vibe. This was used within our digipak and website as well, for example, in our digipak in image 4 was made on photoshop where we over layed images to create an uneasy look:


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