Sunday 20 November 2016

Bad Footage 2

Drama Studio:

This is the footage we filmed whilst in the Drama Studio which was unsuccessful in creating the effect we wanted. When we initially wanted to film in the Drama Studio, we wanted to use the coloured lights to create a 'crazy' look to match the theme of the music video, as we were going to flicker the different coloured lights over the artist. However, when we went into the Drama Studio to use the lights - we couldn't get them to work, meaning we had to use the lights we had in media which weren't coloured. When we first filmed, we just held the lights we had steady which didn't give the insanity look we desired. We then tried moving the lights in front of the artist which made the lights look more like they were flashing and flickering. However, we don't feel this footage captures a successful look so we will therefore not be used in our final music video.

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