Thursday 24 November 2016

Prop Research

Our music video doesn't use that many props as the main focus is the artist herself. due to her being a new up-coming star we need to make sure the audience see her as the main part of the video.
However we have used glow in the dark paint when filming in the drama studio so we can use a dark background and show our artist in the light. We also used glow sticks to bring colour to the shot. As our video is trying to propose a colourful, insane and vulnerable presentation of our artist relating to young girls. The footage from Ripley's black hole shows the colourful side and the footage from the drama does the same. The town/subway footage shows the vulnerability of our artist.


We have used hair accessories and a variety of make up for various different shots to show the quirky side to our artist. So when we filmed at Hyde Park in London and in the Dance studio we used hair clips and fake butterflies to show the nature side to our artist.
When we filmed at Ripley's museum in London we used heavy dark make up on the eyes so they stood out. But when we filmed in town/under the subway we used lighter make up and little make up on eyes. The attention was focused on the red lipstick our artist was wearing - this made the lip syncing clear.

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