Tuesday 1 November 2016

Bad footage

Below is a video of some clips which we have taken whilst being on shoot that aren't high enough quality to put onto our final music video, or we need to put effects over to improve.

The first shot:
The first shot was meant to be of the performer walking in Hyde Park which we would have put in the music video as a clip of non-performance. However, in the clip we see someone in the background rolling a suitcase - meaning it is not sufficient and perfected enough to put in the final music video. From analysing footage like this, it shows us when we are on set in the future, we need to make sure the background is free of the general public.

The second shot:
The second shot was meant to be of the performer laying down lip syncing. However, due to the sun and the shadow cast from it hitting the artist, it means the shot isn't as crisp as it could have been if we had of prevented the artists shadow. To improve this shot however, we can just put an effect over it as a distraction from this lighting problem. From analysing this shot, it means we now know to focus on the lighting when being on shoot to make each shot of the music video be as finished as possible.

The third shot:
The third shot was a disco room in Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' museum which we thought would go perfect with the theme of lights. However, when we watched back the footage, the door was in the background and when the general public were coming near the room, they were in the mirror reflection. This means the shot didn't fulfil the effect we wanted it to.

The fourth shot:
The fourth shot was meant to be the artist lip syncing, however due to the mirrors being all around us in the mirror maze - us filming the artist was caught on the mirrors reflection. This means that it wasn't a sufficient enough shot for us to include in the final music video. From analysing this shot, it means that when we are editing our Ripleys footage - we need to watch the mirrors reflections to make sure noone but the artist is in the reflections.

The fifth shot:
The fifth shot was meant to be a dramatic hair flick to match the theme of the music video (out of control, crazy, eerie, etc) - however this shot didn't match this idea. This meant after analysing this shot, we filmed this shot again with more of an insanity look.

The sixth&seventh shot: 
Both these shots were unfortunately not to their best quality due to how we filmed on our iPhones and iPods. From analysing these shots, it showed us that we need to film on a professional camera for best  quality. However, to bring back these shots, we can put effects over the top.

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