Tuesday 1 November 2016

Good footage

Below is a video of shots which were successful and made the final cut of our music video:

Shot one and two:
These shots are successful due to how the fan created the look of the artist being out of control with her hair flying in all directions. Using the fan is something we can do in more of our shots after seeing how successful it was in corresponding to our theme.

Shot three:
This shot is successful as the lighting, the background and the lip syncing are all crisp and perfected. The red colour which is part of our snergy is also extremely vibrant in this shot.

Shot four:
This shot was successful as their was a smooth transition between the artist singing in the mirror to her singing to the camera. The lighting is also to a good standard that the shot can be used in the final music video.

Shot five:
It was good that this long shot was successful as we now have a variety of shots to exhibit in our final music video. This means that with a more variety, it will be more interesting and visually appealing to the viewer of the music video.

Shot six:
This shot was successful as their was a smooth transition into a long shot to a close up of the artist. The camera was also still on a tripod so the shot was crisp and not shaky.

Shot seven:
This shot was successful as their was lots of reflections of the artist in the mirror emphasising the theme we wanted to create in the mirror maze (the artist seeing herself from all angles and going crazy).

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