Monday 19 December 2016

Final Website

Below is the link to our website for our artist Stellato Star:

Final Digipak

Below is our final digipak:

Our digipak is successful as it has synergy with the website and music video. The synergy amongst them all, is the theme of light and red, which within the digipak is seen in all the six images which are used.

The first image: We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes a popular location within our music video: the mirror maze. The mirror maze really captured the idea of the artist going insane as it created the footage where the artist was seen in all different directions, and in different points of view. The image is a screenshot from our music video of when the artist is singing into the mirror within Ripley's mirror maze. We wanted to include this snapshot as Ripley's was one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. The image also represents what the lyrics are communicating within the song Hypnotic, as the artist is watching herself go crazy and lose control - and the image shows the artist looking at herself in the mirror, watching herself go crazy. The image is also part of the three strong images which are overpowered with red.

The second image: We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the synergy of light which we wanted to compose throughout our music video, digipak and website. Fireworks also follow the lyrics and what we wanted to conduct the artist to be - crazy (fireworks bang, and go crazy). We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. We have chosen to used this image as well, as all the other images have the artist in, so we wanted to have an image which didn't have the artist in - and fireworks play a strong part in our music video. The fireworks, the way they have been edited onto the CD and background, looks like a gradient/ombre of colour - which is visually appealing to the audience.
The third image:
The image is a screenshot from our music video of when the artist is within the mirror maze in Ripley's. We wanted to include this snapshot as Ripley's was one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. The image is also part of the three strong images which are overpowered with red.

The fourth image: We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the theme that we wanted to pursue within our music video - insanity, due to the edit of the artist being double. We have edited this onto a collage of the wall in Ripley's which has paint splats on - as this is a common background on our website. This image also follows the same themes within the other pictures - light (through the uv paint splats on the wall) and red (red paint splats on the wall).
The fifth image:
The image is a screenshot from our music video of when the artist is within the mirror maze in Ripleys. We wanted to include this snapshot as Ripley's was one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. The image is also part of the three strong images which are overpowered with red. We also have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the theme that we wanted to pursue within our music video - insanity, due to the edit of the artist being double. However, before we used this image, we had the image of fireworks as the background - but due to the text being hard to read, we placed this picture behind the text as the white text complimented the red. 

The sixth image:
We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the synergy of light which we wanted to compose throughout our music video, digipak and website. We wanted to include this picture as well due to Ripley's being one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. The image also represents what the lyrics are communicating within the song Hypnotic, as the artist is in multiple mirrors - showing the artist going crazy and losing herself as she's seeing multiple. The pictures has also been edited on photoshop to enhance the red lights, as red is a strong synergy point within our music video, digipak and website. Due to it including red, it matches all the other images - meaning they have a strong colour scheme and all match.

From producing a digipak, it means we are following what a real artist would have to do when releasing a new album. I feel the digipak is extremely successful as it follows our synergy of light and the colour red - which is seen throughout our music video and website. This means that the digipak will link successfully with our other media products. This digipak is more successful than our other digipak trials, due to how our other digipak's didn't have a clear colour scheme - our last having the colour scheme of burgundy/purple/red and our first digipak following the theme of nature, red and flowers. The digipak also emphasises more than our other digipak the theme of insanity through how the images have been photoshoped and overlaid - which we pursue the idea of within our music video through editing and camera angles/shots. 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Magazine Article

Below is our magazine article from Cosmopolitan magazine.

We took inspiration from a magazine article from Cosmopolitan about Miley Cyrus shown below:

Below we annotated the key features of the Cosmopolitan article that we wanted to feature in ours. By doing this it allowed us to make sure that we didn't miss out any key pieces of information and so that our article was as professional as possible. We used a different colour scheme to Miley's as we thought that the pink/purple theme was too girly for our artist therefore went with the striking red that is featured throughout our media products and also a blue that has a gradient.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Tour Poster

Below is Stellato Stars official tour poster for 2017:
From doing a tour poster, it means we are able to advertise the dates in which the artist will be performing and doing CD signings. This gives our audience more engagement with their favourite artist, and means that Stellato Star is making herself known in the ever-growing music industry.

To make our tour poster we have followed mostly G-Easy's tour poster (as shown below):

Tuesday 13 December 2016



Gif on our website

Below is the Gif that it currently on our website homepage. It includes a variety of pictures from different shoots at Ripley's and  at the fireworks. To improve this I think we need to add more photos from the mirror maze and bridge so that our music video is tied in with the gif. I also think we should make all the photos the same size as it looks unprofessional with the white edging on the website.

Monday 12 December 2016


Above is our merchandise that is on our website. We decided to use the main album cover as a main part of the merchandise. This is because it promotes our artist's first single and the album as a whole. By researching other artist's merchandise it allowed us to choose the main items we wanted in our shop. We tried to create a range of merchandise so that it would allow Stellato's fans to have a wide range of variety. We also chose the most popular colours such as black, pink, red, blue, white. We aimed to create something for everyone so we added other items such as baseball caps and posters which are more subtle.

The poster features a photo of Stellato in the black tunnel which was a main location for the filming of her first single 'Hypnotic'. The background has the effect of spinning lights which is main theme for the music video. We wanted to capture the music video in one photo and we really liked the effect this photo gave. We added the artist's name which is also the album title and a star as that it her brand logo. We priced the poster at £10 as other artists' posters ranged from £10 - £20 and due to us being a new artist we went for the lower end of the price bracket. In order to improve these merchandise we will add a product description which includes the size of the poster, which is usually A3 size.

The T-Shirt comes in red, white, black, pink and blue and sized XS, S, M, L and XL. The T-shirts are priced at £20 each as this was, again, the lower end of the price bracket for other artists merchandise. We used the main album cover from the digipak as our logo for this T-shirt as it is very relevant to Stellato's image. In order to improve the T-shirts we could add the T-shirt in blue and pink so that the audience can see what it'll look like in those colours as well. I also think we could add another style of T-shirt with perhaps the Stellato logo rather than the album colour so that it allows the audience to have more variety.

Sweatshirt and Bomber Jacket:
The sweatshirt and bomber jacket both come in red, white, black, pink and blue and are sized XS, S, M, L and XL. Both the items are very popular and on trend for our target audience which is 15-24 so it was important for us to include them. Both of the items have the Stellato Star album cover featured on them and on the back of the sweatshirt there is the tour dates which we have seen many artists feature (eg: Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran). Since finishing our first draft of the merchandise we have changed the tour venues therefore this will need to be amended on the sweatshirt. When researching for sizes we used popular shops such as 'missguided' and 'asos' to know what sizes to use however after reflecting on the sizes they seem unrealistic and do not account for sizes over a UK 12 so we will need to amend this so that we can reach a wider audience.

Phone Cases:
There are two styles of phone case available for iPhone 5-7 (inc. plus). This is because the majority of younger people nowadays own an iPhone therefore we wanted to create a more subtle product for them. One phone case features the album cover and the other has 'Stellato Star' with the star logo. The second phone case comes in four different colours: black, white, pink and red. In order to improve this I think we could introduce new colours such as blue and purple and also make the first phone case available in these colours too. I also think we should broaden the phones the cases should fit as lots of people own android phones and we don't want to leave out a big part of our target audience.

Baseball Cap:
The baseball caps also features the album cover and comes in colours grey, black and white. Whilst researching other merchandise a lot of their caps were one size fits all so we decided that this would be appropriate for our audience too. Caps are very popular nowadays therefore we wanted to reach out to our audience and give them something they wanted. It is priced at £10 however we have put a sale price of £8. In order to improve this we could add another picture or maybe just have Stellato Star's logo or autograph to make it more unique. 

Feedback recieved for first draft of music video

Bad feedback:
Our peer and teacher feed back states the following; that some of the close ups are too close and the video is boring. There needs to be a dramatic cut for the ending and the editing is too fast at times, this is probably why others felt the video is over edited due to the pace. They also thought that our artist Stellato was featured in the video too much and we could do with less lip syncing. They pointed out that in one of the shots there are bags on the floor, this is due to it being used to fill in a gap. Some people felt that the wheel from Ripley's is on screen for too long and that the white wall shouldn't be included in the video, we had already planned to remove the white wall footage. There is also too much use of the ghosting effect and too many cuts. They thought that we should involve more lights in new different locations. Stellato's face popping up created confusion for our peers however this is us showing our artist is insane, instead our peers felt as though there should be dark images popping up. So we have removed the popping images and added some from darker images. Our peers thought we should edit to the thought beats of the song more so we have done this, they also said there are too many effects used at the start, so we have stripped down the editing at the beginning so the audience can see who our artist is before she goes insane. For this reason there are no effects on the bridge shot and we have replaced all of the white shots as no one seemed to like that. They thought that the car park footage wasn't needed so we have removed this footage and used drama studio footage instead.
Also they highlighted the point that we need to colour correct all the shots. Some people pointed out that they can see bags in one of the bridge shots, this is because we used this footage to fill in a gap that is not filled by something else.

We have rectified the comments above that we agreed with. Overall the feedback was helpful in improving our grade for the music video.

Good feedback:

Many people credited our lip syncing and in depth editing as it suited the genre of our song. They liked the spinning wheel, unique locations and the common theme of red light. A lot of people enjoyed the variety of shots which make the video interesting. They thought we used great costumes, had a good performance and wonderful transitions. Our teachers and peers loved the fast editing, different frame sizes and effects used. Because of the following things they thought our video looks professional. They loved the layers, fast sections, and thought beats.

Reflection- after reviewing our positive and negative feedback we made some adaptations to our music video and tried to add more of the elements that people have enjoyed from our video for example our effects (ghosting effect).

Feedback received for first draft of digipak

Below is the feedback from our peers:
The colours link to the artist well, to improve the font could have some effect on the back of it because it looks a bit basic in comparison to he images at the moment. The top left image could have some text on it to break it up a bit as well. Others said they couldn't read the writing, didn't like the font. However they liked the effects use on the bottom left image. Some people expressed the opinion that the digipak is crowded and that there is too much going on. It is difficult to see the song list because of the firework background. They thought the images were interesting and liked the front cover, but to improve it they suggested making the font bigger. Many people liked how vibrant the complete DigiPak is and believed it really shows the artist’s image well.  They liked the consistency we have maintained throughout with the font and thought the disc looks nice with the fireworks. However on the back cover there is no barcode and some of the writing is difficult to read in the colour the text is. Also the top right photo is a bit stretched and isn’t as clear and crisp as the other ones. They proposed for us to use another photo so they can see the text and so the images are as good as the other ones.  Some people mentioned that the digipak looks highly professional, the colour scheme and fonts fit well. It is well planned and well edited according to some of our peers. Some thought that the black and white picture is too similar to the front cover so maybe we should change that to a different picture or put some editing on it to make it different from the front cover. The digipak highlights the fun, party side to Stellato which is great to draw the audience in.
Overall they gave the digipak a level 3.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Magazine Article Research

Below is a slideshare which shows the research we did before we produced our magazine front cover and magazine article. From looking at preexisting magazine front covers and magazine articles, it means that we can see what is successful and what is unsuccessful.

Overall, from doing this piece of research we have learned what successful magazine front covers and magazine articles look like - meaning we now know what features to include in ours. It also means we got to review what we thought would work well for our artist image, and what colour scheme and mise en scene, etc we should use on our magazine front cover and magazine article.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Tour Poster Research

Below is a slideshare which shows the research we did before we produced our tour poster. From looking at preexisting tour posters, it means that we can see what is successful and what is unsuccessful.

Overall, from doing this piece of research we have learned what successful tour posters look like - meaning we now know what features to include on ours. It also means we got to review what we thought would work well for our artist image, and what colour scheme and mise en scene, etc we should use on our tour poster.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Fonts and Album cover first drafts/trials

In today's meeting we wanted to create a first draft album cover for Stellato so that we could begin to start on merchandise and the rest of the digipak. 
We used many different fonts which are shown below. We decided that we liked the top font the best (Alpaca Solidify) therefore used this to work upon to create an album cover that would stand out.
Fonts (in order):
Alpaca Solidify
Baron Neue
basic title font
Broken Glass
Kozuka Mincho Pr6N H
Urban Jungle
 Album Cover: 

We created this album cover by editing the background image that we took in Ripley's Believe it or not museum on Photoshop so that the colours were more vibrant and the photo as a whole looked more textured. We wanted to layer the titles as we thought it gave a cooler vibe to the album and added stars as that it Stellato's logo. We layered the black, orange and white as these are the main colours that are shown in the background and wanted these to stand out. We used the font 'Alpaca Solidify' 

By doing this it allowed us to create a brand image for ourselves and we realised very quickly that this album gave the effect of an urban or street vibe as opposed to our club/pop image that we aim to create. When we began editing our music video we all decided that our favourite shots were the Ripley's mirror maze ones and we wanted the theme of red to be continued throughout. If we were to continue along with the red theme in our music video and stayed with the original album colour we wouldn't create successful synergy with our media products. We decided instead that we would redo our album cover using a mirror maze image. We also thought that the font added to the urban style therefore we wanted a font that was more relaxed rather than graffiti style. Creating this album image was important for us as it made us realise our genre and style of music that we were creating and the brand image that we wanted to create.

Peer marking of digipaks

Mark scheme:
Consider the following when peer assessing digipaks. Levels and marks same as websites. - branding/synergy - images/photography - colour scheme/effects - themes - representations - typography - semiotics - band/artist image.

Level 1 0-3

Level 2 4-6
Level 3 7-8
Level 4 9-10

Annika- After looking at this digipak I noticed that you are missing 3 photos from your digipak, but the photos that are there are of good quality and represent your artist well. Id grade this 3/10 to improve include more images to your digipak of the same nature.

Ava (red)- This digipak is missing a photo and I think the photos that have been included don't match each other. For example the bottom middle photo is a calm, plain colour in comparison to the vibrant reds used in other photos. To improve you need to interlink the photos in some way. Id grade this 4/10.

Ava (yellow)- This digipak is missing images, but I prefer the colour scheme and think the bottom middle background image should be the same yellow that is used in the other photos. I really like the bottom right image of your artist's name in different font styles. Id grade this digipak 4/10 because of the missing images.

Avenue- This digipak is wonderful but I think the colour scheme that is on the bottom images should be interlinked with the other images. Id grade this digipak 7/10 because it has good quality and relevant images that match your website.

Iuris- I think your digipak really suits your artist and that your colour schemes are really good. But the top left image uses different colour schemes and should match the bottom middle and top right image. For that reason Id grade this digipak 7/10.

Ivory- I think grey is not the right colour for your artist as she is more edgy rather than plain. However, there is a running theme in all the images. For these reasons id grade this digipak 6/10.

Luella- I think the colour schemes work really well in your digipak, but I don't like the white backgrounds. I also think the images should be in a different order. For these reasons id grade this digipak 6/10.

Mya (1)- I really like black and white on the CD, and the black and white colour scheme. My only criticism would be that the bottom right image on the digipak is quite boring. For these reasons id grade this digipak 6/10.

Mya (2)- I prefer this digipak to the other one as I feel like the images match each other and match your artist. Id grade this digipak 8/10.

Tori (1)- I really like the colour scheme of your digipak and the images are of good quality but you are missing one image. Id grade this 6/10, to improve include an image to fill in the gap of the same black/white nature.

Tori (2)- I think this digipak is too dark for your artist, however I like the blue effect on the top left image. Id grade this 6/10.

Tori (3)- I think this is the best digipak our of the three due to the colours used and the images. Id grade this digipak 6/10 because your bottom middle image needs something else on it.

Sempa- I like all your photos separately but they don't really match each other. For example the bottom left photo is very photo shopped in comparison to the other photos. I also like the editing you have done to the top left and bottom middle photo. To improve I think you need to pick a colour to work with and incorporate it into every photo of your digipak. Id grade this digipak 5/10.

Heidi- All the photos in your digipak match each other and suit your artist. I really like the colour scheme of it. To improve you need to make sure all your photos are the same size. Id grade this digipak 8/10.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Album Title Research

When it came to naming our first album for Stellato we researched into other artists' album titles. We noticed that quite a lot of artists name their albums after a song from the track list or the albums are self-titled.

Track List Album Title:

 My Everything - Ariana Grande
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Joanne - Lady Gaga
Salute - Little Mix
In The Lonely Hour - Sam Smith


Self-titled Album Title: 
5 Seconds of Summer
Nick Jonas
Jason Derulo
Christina Aguilera
Rita Ora