Monday 12 December 2016

Feedback received for first draft of digipak

Below is the feedback from our peers:
The colours link to the artist well, to improve the font could have some effect on the back of it because it looks a bit basic in comparison to he images at the moment. The top left image could have some text on it to break it up a bit as well. Others said they couldn't read the writing, didn't like the font. However they liked the effects use on the bottom left image. Some people expressed the opinion that the digipak is crowded and that there is too much going on. It is difficult to see the song list because of the firework background. They thought the images were interesting and liked the front cover, but to improve it they suggested making the font bigger. Many people liked how vibrant the complete DigiPak is and believed it really shows the artist’s image well.  They liked the consistency we have maintained throughout with the font and thought the disc looks nice with the fireworks. However on the back cover there is no barcode and some of the writing is difficult to read in the colour the text is. Also the top right photo is a bit stretched and isn’t as clear and crisp as the other ones. They proposed for us to use another photo so they can see the text and so the images are as good as the other ones.  Some people mentioned that the digipak looks highly professional, the colour scheme and fonts fit well. It is well planned and well edited according to some of our peers. Some thought that the black and white picture is too similar to the front cover so maybe we should change that to a different picture or put some editing on it to make it different from the front cover. The digipak highlights the fun, party side to Stellato which is great to draw the audience in.
Overall they gave the digipak a level 3.

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