Monday 12 December 2016

Feedback recieved for first draft of music video

Bad feedback:
Our peer and teacher feed back states the following; that some of the close ups are too close and the video is boring. There needs to be a dramatic cut for the ending and the editing is too fast at times, this is probably why others felt the video is over edited due to the pace. They also thought that our artist Stellato was featured in the video too much and we could do with less lip syncing. They pointed out that in one of the shots there are bags on the floor, this is due to it being used to fill in a gap. Some people felt that the wheel from Ripley's is on screen for too long and that the white wall shouldn't be included in the video, we had already planned to remove the white wall footage. There is also too much use of the ghosting effect and too many cuts. They thought that we should involve more lights in new different locations. Stellato's face popping up created confusion for our peers however this is us showing our artist is insane, instead our peers felt as though there should be dark images popping up. So we have removed the popping images and added some from darker images. Our peers thought we should edit to the thought beats of the song more so we have done this, they also said there are too many effects used at the start, so we have stripped down the editing at the beginning so the audience can see who our artist is before she goes insane. For this reason there are no effects on the bridge shot and we have replaced all of the white shots as no one seemed to like that. They thought that the car park footage wasn't needed so we have removed this footage and used drama studio footage instead.
Also they highlighted the point that we need to colour correct all the shots. Some people pointed out that they can see bags in one of the bridge shots, this is because we used this footage to fill in a gap that is not filled by something else.

We have rectified the comments above that we agreed with. Overall the feedback was helpful in improving our grade for the music video.

Good feedback:

Many people credited our lip syncing and in depth editing as it suited the genre of our song. They liked the spinning wheel, unique locations and the common theme of red light. A lot of people enjoyed the variety of shots which make the video interesting. They thought we used great costumes, had a good performance and wonderful transitions. Our teachers and peers loved the fast editing, different frame sizes and effects used. Because of the following things they thought our video looks professional. They loved the layers, fast sections, and thought beats.

Reflection- after reviewing our positive and negative feedback we made some adaptations to our music video and tried to add more of the elements that people have enjoyed from our video for example our effects (ghosting effect).

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