Tuesday 6 December 2016

Peer marking of digipaks

Mark scheme:
Consider the following when peer assessing digipaks. Levels and marks same as websites. - branding/synergy - images/photography - colour scheme/effects - themes - representations - typography - semiotics - band/artist image.

Level 1 0-3

Level 2 4-6
Level 3 7-8
Level 4 9-10

Annika- After looking at this digipak I noticed that you are missing 3 photos from your digipak, but the photos that are there are of good quality and represent your artist well. Id grade this 3/10 to improve include more images to your digipak of the same nature.

Ava (red)- This digipak is missing a photo and I think the photos that have been included don't match each other. For example the bottom middle photo is a calm, plain colour in comparison to the vibrant reds used in other photos. To improve you need to interlink the photos in some way. Id grade this 4/10.

Ava (yellow)- This digipak is missing images, but I prefer the colour scheme and think the bottom middle background image should be the same yellow that is used in the other photos. I really like the bottom right image of your artist's name in different font styles. Id grade this digipak 4/10 because of the missing images.

Avenue- This digipak is wonderful but I think the colour scheme that is on the bottom images should be interlinked with the other images. Id grade this digipak 7/10 because it has good quality and relevant images that match your website.

Iuris- I think your digipak really suits your artist and that your colour schemes are really good. But the top left image uses different colour schemes and should match the bottom middle and top right image. For that reason Id grade this digipak 7/10.

Ivory- I think grey is not the right colour for your artist as she is more edgy rather than plain. However, there is a running theme in all the images. For these reasons id grade this digipak 6/10.

Luella- I think the colour schemes work really well in your digipak, but I don't like the white backgrounds. I also think the images should be in a different order. For these reasons id grade this digipak 6/10.

Mya (1)- I really like black and white on the CD, and the black and white colour scheme. My only criticism would be that the bottom right image on the digipak is quite boring. For these reasons id grade this digipak 6/10.

Mya (2)- I prefer this digipak to the other one as I feel like the images match each other and match your artist. Id grade this digipak 8/10.

Tori (1)- I really like the colour scheme of your digipak and the images are of good quality but you are missing one image. Id grade this 6/10, to improve include an image to fill in the gap of the same black/white nature.

Tori (2)- I think this digipak is too dark for your artist, however I like the blue effect on the top left image. Id grade this 6/10.

Tori (3)- I think this is the best digipak our of the three due to the colours used and the images. Id grade this digipak 6/10 because your bottom middle image needs something else on it.

Sempa- I like all your photos separately but they don't really match each other. For example the bottom left photo is very photo shopped in comparison to the other photos. I also like the editing you have done to the top left and bottom middle photo. To improve I think you need to pick a colour to work with and incorporate it into every photo of your digipak. Id grade this digipak 5/10.

Heidi- All the photos in your digipak match each other and suit your artist. I really like the colour scheme of it. To improve you need to make sure all your photos are the same size. Id grade this digipak 8/10.

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