Monday 19 December 2016

Final Digipak

Below is our final digipak:

Our digipak is successful as it has synergy with the website and music video. The synergy amongst them all, is the theme of light and red, which within the digipak is seen in all the six images which are used.

The first image: We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes a popular location within our music video: the mirror maze. The mirror maze really captured the idea of the artist going insane as it created the footage where the artist was seen in all different directions, and in different points of view. The image is a screenshot from our music video of when the artist is singing into the mirror within Ripley's mirror maze. We wanted to include this snapshot as Ripley's was one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. The image also represents what the lyrics are communicating within the song Hypnotic, as the artist is watching herself go crazy and lose control - and the image shows the artist looking at herself in the mirror, watching herself go crazy. The image is also part of the three strong images which are overpowered with red.

The second image: We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the synergy of light which we wanted to compose throughout our music video, digipak and website. Fireworks also follow the lyrics and what we wanted to conduct the artist to be - crazy (fireworks bang, and go crazy). We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. We have chosen to used this image as well, as all the other images have the artist in, so we wanted to have an image which didn't have the artist in - and fireworks play a strong part in our music video. The fireworks, the way they have been edited onto the CD and background, looks like a gradient/ombre of colour - which is visually appealing to the audience.
The third image:
The image is a screenshot from our music video of when the artist is within the mirror maze in Ripley's. We wanted to include this snapshot as Ripley's was one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. The image is also part of the three strong images which are overpowered with red.

The fourth image: We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the theme that we wanted to pursue within our music video - insanity, due to the edit of the artist being double. We have edited this onto a collage of the wall in Ripley's which has paint splats on - as this is a common background on our website. This image also follows the same themes within the other pictures - light (through the uv paint splats on the wall) and red (red paint splats on the wall).
The fifth image:
The image is a screenshot from our music video of when the artist is within the mirror maze in Ripleys. We wanted to include this snapshot as Ripley's was one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. We have also chosen to use this image as it is heavily edited on photoshop to enhance the colour red within the shot, this means the image follows the red synergy idea which we want to be in our music video, digipak and website. The image is also part of the three strong images which are overpowered with red. We also have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the theme that we wanted to pursue within our music video - insanity, due to the edit of the artist being double. However, before we used this image, we had the image of fireworks as the background - but due to the text being hard to read, we placed this picture behind the text as the white text complimented the red. 

The sixth image:
We have chosen to use this image within our digipak as it includes the synergy of light which we wanted to compose throughout our music video, digipak and website. We wanted to include this picture as well due to Ripley's being one of our most successful locations within the music video, as it really conducted the idea of light which is part of our synergy. The image also represents what the lyrics are communicating within the song Hypnotic, as the artist is in multiple mirrors - showing the artist going crazy and losing herself as she's seeing multiple. The pictures has also been edited on photoshop to enhance the red lights, as red is a strong synergy point within our music video, digipak and website. Due to it including red, it matches all the other images - meaning they have a strong colour scheme and all match.

From producing a digipak, it means we are following what a real artist would have to do when releasing a new album. I feel the digipak is extremely successful as it follows our synergy of light and the colour red - which is seen throughout our music video and website. This means that the digipak will link successfully with our other media products. This digipak is more successful than our other digipak trials, due to how our other digipak's didn't have a clear colour scheme - our last having the colour scheme of burgundy/purple/red and our first digipak following the theme of nature, red and flowers. The digipak also emphasises more than our other digipak the theme of insanity through how the images have been photoshoped and overlaid - which we pursue the idea of within our music video through editing and camera angles/shots. 

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