Monday 31 October 2016


Reflection- Our storyboard was useful when filming and editing as it gave us a rough idea as to what we wanted to happen in different sections of the song. So we knew what we had to film, whether it was cut away's of our artist, or close ups. When editing we used it as a guide to try and stick to the story board plan.However we did change our minds about certain footage for example from Tropical Wings so other footage was used instead and we had new location ideas such as filming in town. Overall the story board was really helpful for us and we are glad we did it.

Friday 21 October 2016

Photoshoot - Dance Studio

Below are gifs of photographs we have taken on set whilst filming: 

After receiving feedback on our music video and editing all our footage which we have received from every location, we decided this footage we got was irrelevant to the look we wanted our music video to have. This means we have no longer included these shots in our music video as they are unsuccessful at showing an insanity, and crazy vibe which we are trying to achieve.
From doing a photoshoot at every location, it means we have a variety of photos which we can use on our digipak and website. Additionally, taking photographs in the locations we are putting into our music video, means that the photographs we place on our website and digipak link with our music video.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Album Songs

These are the songs that are part of our album:
  1. Hypnotic
  2. Perceptions.
  3. Visions.
  4. Lines
  5. Unique
  6. After image.
  7. Words
  8. So blessed
  9. Gravity
  10. Dominant
 Explanations of why we chose these song names:
All the names relate do different aspects of our artists past, present and future life. They also describe Stellato as a person who has feelings and a confident personality.
For example, we chose the name perceptions because we thought that it was similar to the word hypnotic but would focus more on how people see situations and events, whereas hypnotic is more about insanity from the individual. As well as chose the name visions as this would relate to our artists hope for the future.

Reflection- After looking at other artist's track list for example Rihanna's and Ellie Goulding's we decided that our song names are perfect for our artist and all interlink in some way like Ellie Goulding's songs link to each other and her life as a whole.

Friday 14 October 2016

Website Research

We also looked at Ellie Goulding's website which is shown above. We liked that there was a strong pastel colour theme running throughout with the text in gold. I liked that Ellie included a gallery of her album covers and also photos from red carpets. We think this is a nice touch to add to our website as well so that it is more realistic. Ellie also has a merchandise section that promotes all of her clothing for her tour so we will need to incorporate this into our website too.

We then looked at Zara Larsson's website as well:

We noticed whilst looking at artist's website that their name is the main focus. We want to create a strong name that will stand out from others and be a stand out feature on the website. We also want to take beautiful photos that are separate from the music video to show that our artist is legit and include these on the front page so that they are the name and face is the first thing you see on the website.

Ariana Grande's website:

On all of the websites we noticed that they have links to all their social media such as Facebook, Twiter, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. This made us want to create social media accounts for our artist so that they can interact with their fan base and promote their brand new single as well as the music video. We like this extra touch to the website as again it makes it seem more professional and real. Finally, we noticed that the websites have their tour dates listed and sends you to a link to where you can book tickets for this. 

Official Stellato CD Cover

Below is the official CD cover for our artist. From producing a CD cover, it is something which can be placed on media products and used as snergy. 

The snergy we can use from our CD cover throughout our media products is the orange and red colour scheme. We could also use the idea of her makeup and hair making her personality look edgy, yet girly. This is due to how her hair is in curls symbolising a girly personality, which contrast with the edgy black eyeshadow and black dress which shows maybe she has a darker personality than it first seems. 

The lights which have come from our main location, Ripleys, can also be exploited and used due to how we can have lots of light within our music video and media products. This also goes along with the theme of the artists name which means 'starry' - symbolising lights and bright colours.

BBC Radio 1 live lounge

Stellato Star's appearance at BBC Radio 1 - for live lounge.

From videoing and editing a BBC Radio 1 live lounge, it meant Maisie was able to practise lip syncing again due to us still in the process of filming. This meant that it was more practise for Maisie singing in time with the music and getting the lyrics correct so we can get it all crisp in our final music video. By editing a video of Maisie lip syncing - it meant we could all practise editing lip syncing to a music video to practise getting a excellent quality for our music video. This proved hard for all us to align the mouth movements in time with the music - meaning it was great practise for our final piece. By shooting a Radio 1 live lounge - it also shows the process a new artist would go through to become known and gain an audience through a well known company.

Monday 10 October 2016

MTV Interview

To prepare for the MTV interview we created a rough script of what we was going to speak about, and did a practice run beforehand. This helped us to achieved professionalism  throughout the interview.  

Below is an interview conducted by MTV:

1) What locations have you filmed in then?
2) Going back to you childhood, how did you know you had a talent?
3) What musicals were you involved in?
4) Have you met any nice artists?


Reflection- After watching the MTV interview as a group we decided this was good way for our artist to become known to viewers as a person, not just her music. We thought it would influence our audience to watch our music video because of Stellato mentioning where she's been filming and the release of the music video.

Song permission

Dear Zella Day,
My name is Kelsey Bone and I am writing on behalf of myself, Maisie Smith and Clare Kelly. We are students in year 13 currently studying our A Levels - with Media Studies as one of our options. Currently, we have been set the task in Media to shoot a music video to a choice of our song. For our music video, we have all decided your song 'Hypnotic' remixed by Vanic would be a perfect song to make a visuals for.

Due to copyright laws, as a group, we would be ever so grateful if you could grant permission for us to use your song purely for educational purposes. 

If you have any concerns or queries about us using your song for our coursework, my Media Studies teacher, Mrs Brookes and I are happy to answer any questions.


Steal o matic

In today's meeting, we created a steal o matic. A steal-o-matic gives us a visual look into what our music video could look like through using existing music videos.

From producing a steal-o-matic, it also helps us understand how many shots are needed in a music video and gives us practice on how to efficiently edit these together. From producing the steal-o-matic, I have found out how important it is to edit in pace with the music - it wouldn't look right having a slow shot, if the music has a fast pace. It has also shown how important performance is within the video and how it can't be all clips of lip syncing as there would be no narrative aspect. Along with this, it has also shown how much the artist's image is portrayed through the music video through mise en scene (costume, makeup, etc) - is the artist promoting male gaze, exhibitionism, etc. From producing the steal o matic, it has also opened up our eyes to how well a thought beat goes compliments the music in the beginning when we hear clicking. It has also shown us how we can incorporate different camera frames and angles within our music video through long shots as well as mid shots.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Costume and Makeup/Hair inspirations

Makeup inspiration for Tropical wings:

When we film in tropical wings, we want the performers makeup to stand out and be colourful to compliment the surroundings. We have been inspired to do a blue eye shadow look - to match the stereotypical blue butterfly wings; as this will be eye catching. We always want to carry on the edgy look we have created around the artist and feel although we want to use colour, we don't want to be too colourful. We also incorporated this blue theme in our makeup for Ripleys by mixing the black eyeshadow with blue glitter which caught the light. 

Hair Inspiration for Tropical wings: 

We want the performers hair to be curly within tropical wings and look well done to match the theme of the first scene. We feel in the first scene (where we will be in the Tropical Wings location), the artist is singing how she is in control of herself and we feel doing up the performers hair symbolises someone who is respectable of how she looks. The curls are ringlets and look like they have been produced with time and effort.

Makeup inspiration for Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' museum:

When we film in Ripleys we want the artist to have an edgy artist image and be dark like the surroundings. This has inspired us to do a smokey eye on the shoot.

Hair Inspiration of Ripleys:

Our hair inspiration for the location of Ripleys is beachy waves. This is because the artist is meant to look out of control and rough. Beachy waves is a good transition between ringlet tight curls and straight hair.

Makeup inspirations for Hyde Park:

Our makeup inspiration for Hyde Park is to go for a more natural look but still with a dressed up vibe. To reach this look we did a natural look with a festival touch of glitter dots around the eyes.

Hair Inspirations for Hyde Park:

Our hair inspiration for Hyde Park is the look of natural beachy waves. We brushed through ringlet curled hair to receive this girly look.

We also used hair props of fake flowers and a flower crown - to add to the festival look.

Permission for filming

In order for us to film in Ripleys 'Believe it or Not' museum, we had to contact by phone and email them. Above is an email of the permission we received from them to be able to film in the location.

Social Media

Twitter - @Stellatostar

Instagram - @stellatostar

Snapchat - stellatostar

Facebook - @stellatostar

Reflection- We decided to create social media accounts on Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for our artist Stellato. Having these accounts gives our audience the opportunity to learn more about our artist and for our artist to gain more fans. The majority of artist have social media accounts to boost their popularity, keep them well known and keep their audience up to date with their life. For example what there up to, upcoming events and shows. Therefore creating social media accounts for our artist puts her in a good position for her future career.

30 Second Breakdown of Expolsions by Ellie Goulding

'Explosions'- Ellie Goulding

0-2 seconds- Ellie is sitting on a train towards to right of the frame. We can see a snowy background through the window of the train, this is also a mid shot of her.

3-5 seconds- This is a close up of Ellie on the left side of frame, on the train smiling and playing with her hair.

6-10 seconds- At this point Ellie is walking onto stages up stairs, this is a tracking shot of her in the middle of the frame. In the background we can see drums and other instruments on stage.

11-12 seconds- This is a birds eye view of a crowd at her show dancing.

13-15 seconds- There is a mid shot of Ellie singing at her show in the middle of the frame, throughout this shot the camera begins to zoom in closer to her face.

16-18 seconds- This shot of Ellie singing is done using  a hand held camera which makes it a jittery shot.

19-20 seconds- This is another mid shot of Ellie singing and she is on the left side of frame.

21-26 seconds- Ellie is in the left of the frame on this shot and this is a close up of her face singing as part of her show.

27-28 seconds- This is another shot of Ellie performing and leaning forward singing on stage.

29-30 seconds- This is a point of view shot of the wing of a plane slowing moving up and down, also in the background we can see mountains.

Reflection- From this process I have learnt that in music videos you should include various shots to keep the video interesting but that these shots can be repeated throughout the song. For example in the music video 'Explosions' by Ellie Goulding there are multiple close up shots of her. There are also performance shots of her at her concerts and of her fans. This has taught me to be clever when editing to make sure there aren't to many of the same shots in my music video.