Friday 14 October 2016

Official Stellato CD Cover

Below is the official CD cover for our artist. From producing a CD cover, it is something which can be placed on media products and used as snergy. 

The snergy we can use from our CD cover throughout our media products is the orange and red colour scheme. We could also use the idea of her makeup and hair making her personality look edgy, yet girly. This is due to how her hair is in curls symbolising a girly personality, which contrast with the edgy black eyeshadow and black dress which shows maybe she has a darker personality than it first seems. 

The lights which have come from our main location, Ripleys, can also be exploited and used due to how we can have lots of light within our music video and media products. This also goes along with the theme of the artists name which means 'starry' - symbolising lights and bright colours.

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