Thursday 6 October 2016

30 Second Breakdown of Expolsions by Ellie Goulding

'Explosions'- Ellie Goulding

0-2 seconds- Ellie is sitting on a train towards to right of the frame. We can see a snowy background through the window of the train, this is also a mid shot of her.

3-5 seconds- This is a close up of Ellie on the left side of frame, on the train smiling and playing with her hair.

6-10 seconds- At this point Ellie is walking onto stages up stairs, this is a tracking shot of her in the middle of the frame. In the background we can see drums and other instruments on stage.

11-12 seconds- This is a birds eye view of a crowd at her show dancing.

13-15 seconds- There is a mid shot of Ellie singing at her show in the middle of the frame, throughout this shot the camera begins to zoom in closer to her face.

16-18 seconds- This shot of Ellie singing is done using  a hand held camera which makes it a jittery shot.

19-20 seconds- This is another mid shot of Ellie singing and she is on the left side of frame.

21-26 seconds- Ellie is in the left of the frame on this shot and this is a close up of her face singing as part of her show.

27-28 seconds- This is another shot of Ellie performing and leaning forward singing on stage.

29-30 seconds- This is a point of view shot of the wing of a plane slowing moving up and down, also in the background we can see mountains.

Reflection- From this process I have learnt that in music videos you should include various shots to keep the video interesting but that these shots can be repeated throughout the song. For example in the music video 'Explosions' by Ellie Goulding there are multiple close up shots of her. There are also performance shots of her at her concerts and of her fans. This has taught me to be clever when editing to make sure there aren't to many of the same shots in my music video.

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