Monday 10 October 2016

MTV Interview

To prepare for the MTV interview we created a rough script of what we was going to speak about, and did a practice run beforehand. This helped us to achieved professionalism  throughout the interview.  

Below is an interview conducted by MTV:

1) What locations have you filmed in then?
2) Going back to you childhood, how did you know you had a talent?
3) What musicals were you involved in?
4) Have you met any nice artists?


Reflection- After watching the MTV interview as a group we decided this was good way for our artist to become known to viewers as a person, not just her music. We thought it would influence our audience to watch our music video because of Stellato mentioning where she's been filming and the release of the music video.

1 comment:

  1. How did you prepare for this? What did it help you achieve?
