Friday 14 October 2016

Website Research

We also looked at Ellie Goulding's website which is shown above. We liked that there was a strong pastel colour theme running throughout with the text in gold. I liked that Ellie included a gallery of her album covers and also photos from red carpets. We think this is a nice touch to add to our website as well so that it is more realistic. Ellie also has a merchandise section that promotes all of her clothing for her tour so we will need to incorporate this into our website too.

We then looked at Zara Larsson's website as well:

We noticed whilst looking at artist's website that their name is the main focus. We want to create a strong name that will stand out from others and be a stand out feature on the website. We also want to take beautiful photos that are separate from the music video to show that our artist is legit and include these on the front page so that they are the name and face is the first thing you see on the website.

Ariana Grande's website:

On all of the websites we noticed that they have links to all their social media such as Facebook, Twiter, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify. This made us want to create social media accounts for our artist so that they can interact with their fan base and promote their brand new single as well as the music video. We like this extra touch to the website as again it makes it seem more professional and real. Finally, we noticed that the websites have their tour dates listed and sends you to a link to where you can book tickets for this. 

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