Monday 10 October 2016

Steal o matic

In today's meeting, we created a steal o matic. A steal-o-matic gives us a visual look into what our music video could look like through using existing music videos.

From producing a steal-o-matic, it also helps us understand how many shots are needed in a music video and gives us practice on how to efficiently edit these together. From producing the steal-o-matic, I have found out how important it is to edit in pace with the music - it wouldn't look right having a slow shot, if the music has a fast pace. It has also shown how important performance is within the video and how it can't be all clips of lip syncing as there would be no narrative aspect. Along with this, it has also shown how much the artist's image is portrayed through the music video through mise en scene (costume, makeup, etc) - is the artist promoting male gaze, exhibitionism, etc. From producing the steal o matic, it has also opened up our eyes to how well a thought beat goes compliments the music in the beginning when we hear clicking. It has also shown us how we can incorporate different camera frames and angles within our music video through long shots as well as mid shots.

1 comment:

  1. interesting ideas Maisie. Remember to revisit this and see how much you used/departed from original ideas.
